Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Matlab R2007b Mac License File Is MATLAB Java Based?

Is MATLAB java based? - matlab r2007b mac license file

I always thought MATLAB (R2007b) is very slow and cumbersome, and I recently noticed, is crumbling as MATLAB was that under the Task Manager (Windows), the icon for the Java coffee cup appeared in several of my figures from Matlab and Tools tool (SISO).

for the software so badly, why Java-based off argh! mobile or not, the system must be (can) in C + + so much more effective.

No idea what Java is associated with the function of Matlab? it's just my version or software?


Ryuu said...

I have no idea, but why use Matlab?

It is expensive, and there is no software better than Octave, which is very compatible with Matlab ;-).

According to the philosophy of UNIX, Octave is not an all-in-one "applications like Matlab, you need to install other applications to provide a complete environment, but it also gives you great flexibility in how to use them (and not pre-packed versions that come with all necessary software).

Octave is written in C + +. As open source and part of the GNU project is a guarantee for high quality code, so that it is effective and well documented.

Anonymous said...

Irma --

Much of MATLAB's user interface is written in Java. The actual MATLAB computational engine is written in C/C++.

The MathWorks

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