Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hedge Fund Analyst Jobs Can You Tell Me Whether I Should Do CPA Or CFA.?

Can you tell me whether i should do CPA or CFA.? - hedge fund analyst jobs

Qualification: Chartered Accountant May-06, India
Current Job: Working in the Department of hedge funds at Goldman Sachs in Germany, came in September.
Fund Accounting Analyst Position
Age: 22
Interests: the CEO is ultimately not interested in the specific area.
Sson goal: achieving the general direction as possible.
Advantages: hard work and a workaholic nature.
Disadvatages: Can not a job in a moment of impatience.


Meg said...

My father is a CPA and is paid for.

so_class... said...

CFA is better in my opinion, because it relies on the analysis of financial --
so you can better jobs and better wages

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