Monday, January 25, 2010

American Fare Pregnancy Test Results Positive Pregnancy Test(kmart American Fare Brand)??

Positive pregnancy test(kmart american fare brand)?? - american fare pregnancy test results

Has anyone ever tried Kmart pregnancy rate (Ameican) type? Now I have 2, both of which were positive, but weak. get pos. in time. Yes, I am mapping graph and shows. I also have PCOS and also took 3 of them are also positive. But my question is really on the mark .. and if you ladies have good results from them? I will repeat the test on Friday, with another brand, but for now, I want to know your thoughts .. Thx again


Gin said...

Well, I'm just a positive outcome of the vote american generic Kmart. It was within the limits of time and light, but it is not. I have a right of first response, after the confirmation ... the same sample was negative .... maybe a squint and block the light .... positive, but actually a negative. Now I'm wondering the same thing. Can I really positive and FRE is rubbish ... or is this just a false positive ????? Good luck!

pjrogers... said...

I agree with socalgal

christiz... said...

take another pregnancy test, which is characterized, then you know that dust for you!

~Sarah... said...

Every pregnancy test can be found ... more or less expensive than the price must be as accurate as possible. If it says positive, even the smallest ... Pregnant with her. It is not a 000,001% chance of becoming pregnant when she says positive. Hormones found in urine is not as if your Prego, and what the test says .... If you say that are negative or not pregnant or too early to say. That is compatible with all brands, makes and models of pregnancy tests. I am also a test dollar store! I am not yet:)

It's a secret! said...


I have this brand before. I agree with a good majority of people here. You are definitely pregnant. You can create a false-negative but not false positive. That's what my doctor told me to. The line may be low because it is very early. If you are feeling better and wait to once a week, but I suggest you go to your doctor because they can start monitoring immediately. Sometimes you want to wait until 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, but it depends on your doctor. Congratulations!

It's a secret! said...


I have this brand before. I agree with a good majority of people here. You are definitely pregnant. You can create a false-negative but not false positive. That's what my doctor told me to. The line may be low because it is very early. If you are feeling better and wait to once a week, but I suggest you go to your doctor because they can start monitoring immediately. Sometimes you want to wait until 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, but it depends on your doctor. Congratulations!

cici101 said...

Until you actually go to the doctor are not sure, but this time I was with my last child and I have a positive reading. You can get false positive and false negative results, however.

blue_eye... said...

Congratulations girls!
I tried and tried, can not wait, I finally have proof poistive start taking prenatal

herekitt... said...

Umm .. Yes, youre def pregnant. You do not need a brand of face to say .. be youre pregnant, unless a neg, and I think they are ...

jmhowey0... said...

Yes, you can get a false positive result! It is very rare, but my duties, so it can happen! It happened to me and said there was no way of knowing how the test is positive and not PG. I tested positive for urine and then the blood sample, said NEC. It was the heart of the last minute for me. I think she is pregnant.
N HPT others say that no other result. Unless you get an early HPT and the line is darker. But I would like to express my congratulations and wish you a healthy Months 9!

love_lif... said...

so I tried to be Wal * Mart brand preetty, true, but a few years and also tries to Kmart may need it some good

Kari M said...

All I can say is: no false positives.

Goober said...

Is it me?

==>> Please vote for my answer as best answer because I really need the points:)

IVF Expert said...

Congratulations: 0)

Pregnancy tests are very accurate. It is still necessary to verify the pregnancy and start prenatal care as soon as possible ...

IVF Expert said...

Congratulations: 0)

Pregnancy tests are very accurate. It is still necessary to verify the pregnancy and start prenatal care as soon as possible ...

princess angel 2207 said...

No, but all the tests of previous pregnancies in the amount of estrogen in predicting pregancy .. You probably prega but the line is weak, because it only 3-4 weeks. Good luck and congratulations.

sjeboyce said...

a daughter is a very positive .. expecally when both test ... You are wasting your money on another test ... Congratulations!

♥mcmanda... said...

and still .. If you make a pregnancy test ... obtain accurate measurements taken by your doctor .. I said then, a lot b4 ... one to the doctor ... they are more (there is an 100%) that stores in the. The doctors (I think, check) with your blood ... Shops excreted in the urine. Only a doctor to be sure.

Victoria said...

U is pregnant, it does not matter if it is the cheepest! I bought the cheepest, when she was 4 days late and in seconds +

kisme86 said...

Get a real know EFA. They are only like $ 7!

Jen G said...

How many consider to be necessary, she is pregnant. You can create a false-negative but not false positive.

Tiffany A said...

Girlfriend is pregnant. I would like to call your doctor and make an appointment. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I have a Dollar Tree pregnancy test. I swear by the Dollar Tree pregnancy test. No matter how much you pay for a test or a generic test. Remember that even a light line means your pregnant ... CONGRATULATIONS!

mememe said...

Even if the row is empty, is pregnant. I have 4 months, when the mine was a fine line. The line of limited resources, it was found the hormone hCG, but it was not very strong in his body. CONGRATULATIONS!

Coyote said...

I do not know much about the brand, but I know that generics and brand. So when you say 'pregnant, you're guessing. Call for family planning clinics and go to a fair trial is not accurate and do not hold a lot of money for these home tests for pregnancy. Even if you need it you can advise on your options.

Adrienne H said...

However, proof of purchase is in-store brand Prego your first mistake. U There are certain things should not go on one day of testing Prego is one of them provides a real test of Prego.

Beth S said...

No matter what brand it is quite difficult to a false positive (although some drugs can do) to get. You must have received hCG in urine for a positive outcome. I think we should not lose more money and go to a doctor, good luck!

Genea_80 said...

I have one of those things are to be about 2 years and left (???????) conclusively shown, in other words, not in every window. I would not trust them, I went with a reputable brand.

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