Friday, January 15, 2010

Flu Sore Throat I Woke Up With A Flu, Sore Throat And Cough How Can I Kick It As Quickly As Possible?

I woke up with a flu, sore throat and cough how can i kick it as quickly as possible? - flu sore throat

I take a trip of 6 days! This trip involves a long flight!


TweetyBi... said...

Tamiflu must be started within 1-2 days after the event and is only available by prescription. To treat symptoms. If you were able to eventually get a healthy start in 6 days, but realistically expect to be closer to 2 weeks. Average is 10-12 days.

Alx_xlA said...

Tamiflu is an effective tool for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza A and two of type B.
Antibiotics will not help at all.
Tea with lemon and honey will help to cough and throat.
If you have a cough, do not take the flight.

Kittys Mom said...

How are you sick? If the average print run of the mill flu? I stayed with the first two questions I asked ... because what you might indangering others ... An airplane is a hot bed of infection in any case much less if you are a part of the problem ... References takes at least seven days.

RT(R) said...

Vitamin C 1000 mg per day. Sleep, rest, antibiotics

Army Nurse said...

Good food and to start a lot of rest, with plenty of clear fluids (water, apple juice, etc.). You can take or use a decongestant nasal sprays such as Otrivin or Dristan to help with sore throat and cough. In many strains of flu, sore throat and cough by the constant flow of mucus) in the neck (runny nose caused, even if they have the feeling of a runny nose. The cough is often created by the gag reflex, because the mucus runs. Multivitamins are probably not bad, but some fruits and vegetables are the best. We hope you feel better before you go!

mariacla... said...

if it is a viral infection that resolves spontaneously. Just treat the symptoms.

mariacla... said...

if it is a viral infection that resolves spontaneously. Just treat the symptoms.

sandbarr said...

You should consult your doctor immediately, he or she can reduce one of the new antiviral drugs to prescribe to recover from flu symptoms.
Good luck.

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