Monday, November 30, 2009

Blood In Urine More Condition_symptoms Other Sites Give More Detailed "possibilities" For Why A Dog Has Blood In Urine. Answer Is Vague?

Other sites give more detailed "possibilities" for why a dog has blood in urine. Answer is vague? - blood in urine more condition_symptoms

My Dog .. Human blood in the urine with clots. Of course, we recommend that you go to the vet ... but it would have been helpful to list possible reasons, instead of seeing "a veterinarian."


Cindy said...

ok ... Here are the reasons are

A severe infection of the urinary tract, which can be approved, prescribed with antibiotics.

Diseases such as kidney cancer
Diseases such as cancer of the bladder

All 3 things I mentioned should be treated by a veterinarian. You can not feed the dog with grass and you have to solve the problem. Must be treated by a veterinarian.

Want More?

Kidney stones
Bladder Stones
Alias Kidney
Liver problems.

All the means to see a veterinarian. All of them are serious. Blood in the urine is very serious.

Cindy said...

ok ... Here are the reasons are

A severe infection of the urinary tract, which can be approved, prescribed with antibiotics.

Diseases such as kidney cancer
Diseases such as cancer of the bladder

All 3 things I mentioned should be treated by a veterinarian. You can not feed the dog with grass and you have to solve the problem. Must be treated by a veterinarian.

Want More?

Kidney stones
Bladder Stones
Alias Kidney
Liver problems.

All the means to see a veterinarian. All of them are serious. Blood in the urine is very serious.

Jess said...

Prostate cancer, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, bladder infections, tumors, intestinal obstruction, testicular cancer, intestinal cysts, ulcers ...
the list is a symptom of this type.

probably kidney stones, is most common in domestic animals such as dogs and cats dry food.

Abdomen was swollen and hard? Did they complain when you urinate?
I could give you a better idea if I Dignos details of their symptoms.
but at the end of the day, you need to see a vet, because none of the above disappear without treatment.
: D Good luck! (You can e-mail messages, or if you have further questions)

Jennifer T said...

It is "Your dog can die from kidney failure, go while you are here for questions," Enough of this opportunity to motivate yourself to become a vet?

This could be stones, constipation, infections, kidney failure, poisoning ......

Bassetnut! Another series please!

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